Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pop Quiz

What is Rep. Kavanagh’s Problem?

a) can’t read
b) doesn’t care
c) is hypocritical
d) all of the above

Commenting on the changes made to state law in violation of the constitution during this summer’s special session, Rep. John Kavanagh (Republican LD8-Scottsdale/Fountian Hills) claimed that the removal and restriction of teachers’ contract rights was a “good pro-kids measure”. School districts “won’t be forced to keep a dead-beat teacher on.” (azfamily news report)

The chairman of House Appropriations Committee and one of the men largely responsible for how the legislature is approaching Arizona’s budget crisis, Kavanagh holds a masters in government and a Ph.D. in criminal justice. With such credentials, you would think Kavanagh has read governing documents like state constitutions and statues. Being an elected legislator chairing one of the most important committees, one would assume he has read the Arizona constitution. In Article 4: Part 2: Section 3 he would have read:

“In calling a special session, the governor shall specify the subjects to be considered, and at such special session no laws shall be enacted except such as relate to the subjects mentioned in the call.”

The Governor’s calls for special sessions this summer were to address the state budget and never referred to school employee contracts. Thus the only way the Republican leadership can claim these policy changes were related to the subjects mentioned is if our worst fears are true. They must have been enacted as cost saving measures; specifically to allow districts to replace more experienced, higher paid teachers with new-hires or arbitrarily cut salaries.

Assuming Kavanagh can read, and has read the bills he is voting on, he would have reviewed Title 15: Chapter 5 of the Arizona Revised Statutes which specifically details how to dismiss teachers for inadequate performance. His contention that school districts are “forced to keep” dead-beat teachers is at best uniformed, more likely just intended to be incendiary.

So if Kavanagh can read, why is he defending the legislation? Because he cares. About what you can decide. During a floor debate this summer, Kavanagh was asked about what would happen to displaced corrections officers when Arizona’s prisons were privatized. He replied by saying it was his hope that “some sort of seniority transfer system” could be worked out. (COW on HB2638 6/4/09 at 57:44) In other words, seniority is only good for those who are likely to vote for him.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Load of Bull

“They play this game that they try to protect children. That's a load of bull. They're only there for themselves."

These were the comments of State Representative Frank Antenori (Republican LD30) on a KGUN9 report about the changes the Republican controlled legislature made to state law, removing most of teachers’ contract protections. Antenori was of course referring to the Arizona Education Association, local district associations, and the members of those associations. Senator Al Melvin (Republican LD26) listed the destruction of teachers’ contract protections as one of the top ten accomplishments of the Republican controlled legislature in his monthly e-mail blast and has publicly expressed the same sentiment as Mr. Antenori did Wednesday night.

The 30,000+ members, including the approximately 8,000 Republican members, are the Arizona Education Association, and we can tell you exactly where the “load of bull” is.

Both of these Legislators made these comments in the week before the Republican leadership failed for the sixth time to pass, or even propose, a budget plan that would provide for Arizona’s future. Their current plan that includes an additional $144 million cut to K-12 education was foiled by one Senator, Thayer Verschoor (Republican LD22), who dared question the leadership. Apparently, Senator Verschoor was uncomfortable with the leadership’s plan to maintain, at all costs, the perception that they were not responsible for any tax increases by forcing other agencies raise fees. The Senate Republicans were again unable to pass a budget on Thursday and adjourned the special session until Monday, November 23rd.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Albert Einstein.

This quote is certainly over used, but perhaps that is due to the truth it contains. The Insanity that has overtaken the Republican Leadership has put them on a path of self-destruction, unfortunately as they implode, the damage is likely to do immeasurable harm to our students and communities. There are a few rational Republican Legislators among the ranks. Please continue to contact them and encourage them to step forward. It is long past time for the legislators to put party allegiances aside and undertake the business of solving Arizona’s fiscal problems for both the short and long term.